The Pentalog refers to the five star systems in which Human civilization has been found to exist. The name was first used by the Anyog Exo-Historian, Craytaal Nir Ellat. The name derives from classical Anyog Logosophy, in which the number five has particular significance. By the time the Human Diaspora Theory was first proposed, the term had been adopted into popular use.
The Pentalog comprises the following star systems:
- Sol Star System : 3 planets/satellites
- Retinou Star System : 5 planets
- Drowlto Star System : 1 planet
- Cravel Star System : 4 planets/satellites
- Shidxo Star System : 2 planets
However, it should be noted that the relative sophistication of these human civilizations varies from system to system. The humans of the Retinou System are, by Earth standards, remarkably sophisticated technologically, whereas the humans of Drowlto VI (the only inhabited planet of that system) remain confined to one planet. Yet it must be noted that technological sophistication has not necessarily been seen as the hallmark of advanced human society: the Shidxo Star Alliance, despite having been located (by whom is unclear - see the Human Diaspora) in a solar system of 12 habitable planets, has contented itself with two planets and has striven to manage them in accordance with their ethical doctrines.
Interstellar Communication
Meditators from the Sol system have transanimated to all five systems in the pentalog, though contact has only been made thus far with civilizations from Retinou and Shidxo. Contact with Cravel was attempted in 2392, shortly after its discovery by Zach Spinaka, but once he convinced several individuals that they were not hallucinating (as the physical manifestation of a transanimated human can be very unusual), they were promptly executed by the Ascendants of Crava as heretics. Communication with Drowlto is forbidden under the Interstellar Metaphysics Regulatory Act of 2441 to prevent interference with the significantly less-developed civilizations of Drowlto VI.
The first exohuman to transanimate to Sol was Sahai Luma of the Shidxo star system. No known human from Retinou has yet accomplished that feat.
Spatial relationships
The geometric arrangement of the Pentalog systems is remarkable in its linearity, as can be inferred from the distance chart below. Seen as a path, the Pentalog systems roughly follow the Orion arm of the Milky Way galaxy, with Sol as the outermost system, and Shidxo closest to the galactic core.

Distances between Pentalog star systems
(distances in light years)
0 |
2584 |
7552 |
13742 |
11390 |
0 |
4076 |
10282 |
8246 |
0 |
7426 |
5872 |
0 |
6102 |
0 |
Proponents of the Human Diaspora theory cite the arrangement of the Pentalog systems as evidence of a "seeding" program of the human species by an advanced alien civilization. Critics of this theory have presented alternative explanations of the linear arrangement, or dismiss it as a coincidence, citing the considerable deviation of Shidxo from the geometrical linearity.
The Corebound Alliance, a pseudoscientific cult that emerged in the first hundred years after the discovery of the Pentalog, believes that an itinerant alien civilization from another galaxy distributed the human race on its way into the galactic core, where, as their scripture states, they now reside on a paradise world. Devotees of the Corebound Alliance have spent undisclosed sums searching for more civilizations on the supposed path into the core. The scientific community has so far discounted various reports (most originating from Corebound-associated facilities) of artificial signals from star systems between Shidxo and the galactic core.
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