
Logosophy refers to both to a prominent branch of of classical Anyog Thought and to its modern equivalent. Logosophy is a discipline of ordered thought and reasoning characterized by an emphasis of symbollic words and grammar, acting in many ways as a fusion of Prose and Mathematics. While logosophical discourse may outwardly resemble simple formal discussion or oratory, this appearance belies a rich an intricate structure in which concepts and information are synthesized, tested and refined.

A proper Logosophical discourse, known as a Forming, may seem to an observer to be a type of adversarial debate in which all participants are seeking to shape the views of their fellow participants. A forming, however, is actually a collaborative theoretical enterprise. A proper forming requires a minimum of two collaborators, known as Foci, and can have up to five. A five foci forming is known as a Pentalog and considered to be the most perfect and effective (and difficult) type of forming to execute. For reasons that are subject to millenia of debate, formings with more than 5 foci are considered ineffective at producing coherent ideas. However, history is dotted with the occasional attempt at such Super-Focal Formings. Most recorded attempts end in nonsense, with several notable examples ending in permanent madness for one or more of the participating logosophers.

While the discipline of Logosophy requires rigorous training, this training is never begun at an early age as is the case with other traditional technical disciplines (such as the sciences, or engineering). Rather, almost all those who become successful logosophers spend many years traveling, and gaining broad, rather than focused experience. A large proportion of logosophers work as artists, actors, writers or in other creative professions before devoting themselves to the study of the logosophical discipline. It is thought that the form of abstract thought required to excel at logosophy is more closely related to the creative faculties than those employed in the more technical fields. While many consider this counter-intuitive, especially given Modern Logosophy's focus on technological and scientific advances, and their central role in the rapid ascendancy of the Anyog Empire, it is difficult to deny the fact that a staggering three fourths of logosophers had "creative" backgrounds before joining the discipline.

Classical Logosophy

Classical Logosophy first arose on the planet Nikraal (known also as Retinou V).

Modern Logosophy

Modern Logosophy is the most prominent offshoot of Classical Logosophy and has been credited with giving birth to many of the Empire of the Anyog's most impressive technological advances. During the Middle Anyog Structuring, economic and educational reforms led to increasing contact between the Mechanical Factorate and the Great Five Universities. A new school of thought, eventually known as Modern Logosophy developed as schism within the universities resulted in the departure of many prominent Logosophers.

Practitioners of modern logosophy, while still properly called "Logosophers" are more commonly referred to as "Logates."


A notable related field of Anyog thought is Fractalogosophy.

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