Cravel Star System

The Cravel Star System is one of five star systems comprising the Pentalog, and itself consists of a binary star and 6 planets. Two planets, Vob and Pog, and Pog's two moons, Pogin and Pogon, are inhabited by humans.

Theories of Human Origins in Craval

As with most systems in the Pentalog, significant questions remain as to the origins of human civilization in this system. (see Human Diaspora Theory). The Cravel System is especially confounding in that all available evidence seems to suggest that humans existed on both Vob and Pog prior to either's development of interplanetary travel. Yet humans on both worlds are geneticallt compatible, if seemingly from entirely different linages.

Theories on Pog

The leading theory on the origin of the civilizations on the various bodies in the Cravel System is that humanity first arrived on the moon Pogin, which was and continues to be habitable, posessing a stronge but sustainable environment for human life. It is thought that the Pogini achieved rudimentary spaceflight during their Iron Age due to the low gravity of Pogin. In theory, early explorers may have used methane gas bags (methane is abundant on swamp-covered Pogin) to ascend to the limits of the moon's atmosphere during Pogin's periapsis. The travelers would have then ignited the air-methane mixture in their bags, propelling them through a brief exposure to partial vacuum. They would then be captured by Pog's gravitational pull and fall down to Pog's surface, using a form of parachute. They would then be unable to return to Pogin due to Pog's significantly greater gravity well.

Theories on Vob


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