Potocki Opening (Chess)

The Potocki Opening (also known as Atatürk's Folly or Thrusting Jedward) is an uncommon chess opening:

0-1 (White resigns)

First seen in competitive play in the late eighteenth century, it became a favorite of King Gustav III of Sweden and enjoyed a brief, faddish popularity before largely disappearing from the game. It enjoyed a brief revival in 1976, when UK semi-Grandmaster Terry Bender used it to open five consecutive games at the Munich Open. After Bender's subsequent retirement, the Potocki once again fell into obscurity.

Counter Moves

The traditional counter-move to the Potocki Opening is Russard's Gambit.

A theoretical counter-move would be an inverse Baranov Defense, but this has never been used in official play.

Although obscure, the opening is traditionally considered ill-mannered due to its association with the Croaglish nationality of its inventor, Dr. Ambidextrous Feel, Esq, an associate of Dr. Ben Dover, inventor of the Freezerwave. Nevertheless, the opening is considered legal by the World Chess Federation.
