
Croagland is hybrid country, born of the merger of England and Croatia. It is the brainchild of the Mad Political Scientist, Topher Fentonbury, the result of an experiment gone wrong (or in his own words "deliciously, terribly right!"). Upon learning of Croagland's creation, Dr. Axil Frost (Fentonbury's chief rival, also rumored to be the inspiration for the eponymous main character in the cult classic video game Schmaxilla) was reported to have exclaimed: "England and Croatia have merged? WHAT HAS POLITICAL SCIENCE DONE!?!?"
Croagland is also a stop on New York City's 'J' subway line, two stops after Hell, although there is fierce debate as to its precise location. It has been suggested that this geographical incongruity is a byproduct of Fentonbury's unconventional and highly controversial brand of political science.
The nationality of Croagland is "Croaglish". The pidgin tongue spoken there is known by the same name.
Croagland J-Train Stop
Dispute As To Location
An ongoing debate exists as to the precise location of the Croagland stop along the J subway line. Many locals hold that Croagland is the terminus of the line, based largely on frequent reports of conductors declaring things such as "This is a Croagland-bound J Train, the next stop is... Hell". However, Jean Revelton local activist, New York expert, and president of the Well-Adjusted Political Science Front (a group which opposes the Mad Political Science of Fentonbury and others) has gathered a large following with the publishing of several manifestos pointing out that Croagland is, in fact, located somewhere between the Crescent Street and Alabama Avenue stops. While she has won a sizable following for this view, those who disagree with her often point out that "those two stops sound made-up."
Both sides, however, concede that Croagland is "way the hell out there."
The Croagland subway stop is located in the heart of New York's Underground Dwarf and Troll Worshipper communities, who host a much-beloved bienniel 4 am parade.
Category:Places Category:Countries Category:Mad Political Science
There ya go - Croagland gets a flag :) WHAT HAS MAD POLITICAL SCIENCE DONE?!?! --Bmk 10:07, 18 June 2010 (EDT)
PS: I cribbed the entire thing from the English and Croatian flags. I kid you not - the Croatian flag has both a goat and a jumping ferret (or a squirrel, or whatever). Ok, I added the "J" line, but other than that... --Bmk 10:07, 18 June 2010 (EDT)
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