
The flag of Lakash.

Lakash, or "Land of the Origin," in the Rab'ka tongue, is one of the seven modern nation-states on Ias. Its historical identity is based on its status as the traditional home of the Rab'ka.


Lakash is 790,000 square miles in total area. In terms of political boundaries, it is bounded on the north by the nation of Therem Sakul, on the southwest by Rok Sakul, and on the south-southeast by Menza. It possesses coastline on the Bay of Menza and the Ocean of the Sun. Topographically speaking, the majority of the country is reasonably flat, but not necessarily arable land: the Lakasha Badlands in the south receive little annual rainfall.


The population of Lakash as of the most recent census (2000 SD) was 4,189,065, mostly located in the coastal cities of the north.

Ethnic Groups

The ethnicity of Lakash is almost uniformly Rab'ka. Broadly speaking, the entire population of Ias contains traces of the ancient Rab'ka, an originally nomadic tribe (based on what is now Lakash) that overwhelmed the entire continent. However, each nation was subsumed in The Rab'ka Invasions to varying degrees. Rok Sakul, Therem Sakul, and of course Lakash consider themselves to be pure bastions of the ancient Rab'ka blood and traditions.


Modern Lakashi is spoken by all citizens of Lakash, and it is the official language for every day business. Rab'ka is used for liturgical matters.


Nearly all citizens of Lakash adhere to the "Pure Duham of the Abode."


Originally a "backwater in the badlands," Lakash rose to prominence under Azgeba, acknowledged founder of Duham, and architect of The Righteous Abode.

Lakash Before Duham


Azgeba's Successors and The Abode

Lakash, Capital of a Great Empire

The Snadaq

Tensions between the two sects of Duham reached a fever pitch, severing the eastern half of Ias from the western half. Although originally the word snadaq meant "civil strife" in the Rab'ka tongue, most modern speakers now use the word to mean "separation," often referring specifically to the division of the continent into two rival powers and then subsequent warring states.

Geography as Destiny - Modern Lakash


Currently Lakash is an hereditary monarchy.

Category:Drowlto VI

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