Menza is one of
the seven nation-states located on the continent of Ias, on the planet Drowlto VI.
The population of Menza was 32,103,026 as of its last verifiable census (1956 SD). At present, it is speculated that the population has increased by anywhere from 2-4 million since that time. The population is estimated as 96% Menzan, although minority communities outside Menza claim that figure is too high and unduly influenced by state propaganda dispatches. Menzan itself is a disputed category, bearing the imprint of the ancient Rab'ka.
Menza is land-locked save for a small stretch of coast at the southern tip of the Bay of Menza, surrounded on nearly all sides by mountain ranges. The sides on which there are no mountains are characterized by very, very tall hills.
The river Menzasca and its tributaries flow out of the mountains and tall hills of Menza and provide the nation-state with its sole source of water. Almost all Menzan territory is part of the Menzasca watershed, giving the river a quasi-sacred place in the Menzan psyche. The Menzasca is notable for the Menzascata Caverns, a series of underground caves through which the river flows on its way out of Menza, resurfacing as the Scarippa at Waterfall Bastion in the neighboring nation of Pfwillic.
The economy is run according to the dictates of the Menzan People's Party. There are no GDP or other economic figures that come from credible outside sources. Be that as it may, widespread poverty is a common feature of the country's rural districts.
Prior the establishment of the Menzan People's State (for the full article, see Menzan Massacre of the Naltin), Menza was a nation-state with a long and varied history.
Ancient Menzan States
First Menzan Empire
The Rab'ka Invasions
Menza, Rich Province of the Abode
The Snadaq
Second Menzan Empire
Decline of Empire, Republic, and the People's Party
At present, Menza is unique among the nations of Ias in having a totalitarian form of government, referred to in Menzanu as Awnia-e-Numia "All-is-One." The "One" is question is the Numianer, the Menzan Head of State and Government, as well as titular leader of the Menzan People's Party. He also has the Quantak at his personal disposal.
The Menzan People's Party has banned all religious expression, owing in large part to the fact that the country was riven by the Snadaq at the end of the Middle Times, leading to the country being religiously divided between so-called "Pure Duham of the Abode" and "Eastite Duham." To end any potential strife from these divisions, the Numianer is officially revered as a quasi-divine figure.
Category:Menza Category:Drowlto VI
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