Jucundia (located in modern Djakonza Province of Liatia) was an ancient principality and kingdom of the Middle Times. Its ancient history as independent state can be traced back to mythical origins in the middle of the 5th century, ASD, and concludes in the 4th century, SD, whereupon the state was subsumed to Jucundia Prime, a province of the growing Tristian Empire. After the fall of Tristia in 676 SD, Jucundia re-emerges as the Kingdom of Middle Jucundia, which existed independently until the middle of the 9th century, falling in turn to the Rab'ka Invasions. The territory of former Jucundia has remained part of larger states to the present day.

Both ancient and middle Jucundia were located on the southern shore of the Alban Sea. The ancient capital and its successor city (each named Laetitia in turn, although the two were distinct cities) were located in a section of the Alban highly noted for its calm waters and excellent harbors. Beyond the coastal plains, however, much of Jucundia was desert. Various efforts were made throughout the country's history to reclaim the desert, but to little success. At the southern border of the country lay Satla Mountain Range, beyond which (as today) stands the rest of the continent of Munao.
Ethnic Groups
The ethnicity of ancient Jucundians is now described as Jucundo-Rebetic. However, the ancient Jucundians themselves saw the class divisions of their society to be more important than any ethnic distinction. On this basis, three basic classes of ancient Jucundian society can be discerned:
- Setuqesi: Members of the ancient nobility and alone eligible for membership in the Setuqes.
- Anrav: All free-born members of Jucundian society belonged to this class.
- Hguram: The slave class of ancient Jucundia. Native-born Jucundians born of slave parents were naturally in this class, as were foreigners captured and enslaved in times of war.
The situation of freed slaves was ambiguous. As they were neither Anrav nor Hguram, they had neither the rights of the former nor the explicit restrictions of the latter. However, the offspring of freed slaves were legally Anrav.
The language of all ancient Jucundia is termed by modern historians as Jucundal A, to distinguish it from that of the Middle Kingdom, Jucundal B. The two languages are related morphologically and syntactically, yet Jucundal B bears the influence of ancient Jucundia's conquest by the Tristian Empire on both its phonology and vocabulary.
History of Ancient Jucundia
(for fuller explanation, see separate article on Principality of Ancient Jucundia)
Between the state's mythic founding by Jocus and its demise during the tyranny of the Tiger Prince, ancient Jucundian civilization embraces eight centuries of history.
History of Middle Jucundia
(for fuller explanation, see separate article on Kingdom of Middle Jucundia)
Following the resurrection of an independent Jucundia in the 7th century, SD, the new kingdom existed for the better part of two centuries before being overwhelmed by the Rab'ka Invasions.
Modern Times: Djakonza Separatist Movement
(for fuller explanation, see separate article on the Djakonza Separatist Movement)
At the present time, Djakonza Province is a hotbed of rebellion in the otherwise peaceful nation of Tegpe. The key instigators for Djakonzan independence are the Djakonza Separatists, termed "terrorists" by the government of Tegpe and "freedom fighters" by the Western Coalition.
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