Jucundal A

Jucundal A refers to the language of ancient Jucundia. With the collapse of the ancient kingdom, the language disappeared as the primary means of communication for the population. Following the fall of the Tristian Empire, a variant of the language - so-called Jucundal B - emerged as the primary language for the population of middle Jucundia.


Several case endings are attested:

A dative ending -is is also attested:

There may be a semantic distinction between the suffixes -is and -io. (Datives with -is may perhaps be better described as genitives.) An animate-inanimate distinction is also possible.



Jucundal has SOV (subject-object-verb) word order.

Relationship to Other Languages

Several Jucundal case endings resemble those of older Indo-European centem languages. Compare the Jucundal accusative -im with the Latin accusatives -um, -am, -em. and the Jucundal dative ending -is with the Latin genitive -is.

This may imply contact between Drowlto VI and Sol after the original settlement of Drowlto (and specifically with early European agricultural civilizations). Some proponents of the Human Diaspora Theory explain the similarities with multiple waves of alien transplantation of humans throughout the Pentalog, perhaps as late as the Medieval period on Sol. The linguistic resemblances may, however, be completely coincidental. Suggestions of any such contact are based on limited evidence and must be regarded as purely speculative.
