The archprelature was the system of religion led by the Archprelate in ancient Jucundia. The system can be traced in origin to Jocus, founder of Jucundia, and terminates in ancient Jucundia's final ruler, the Tiger Prince.
Origins of the System
Following the mysterious death of Jocus, there was general consensus that the powers of state and religion should not again be combined in one man. As such, the office of Prince devolved to Brocus, and Ribok was declared "first in all matters holy." At first, this simply meant that Ribok presided over any state events that required rites of any kind. Since the unique belief system of Jucundian Polytheism had yet to take shape, these rites (as have been preserved in highly suspect form) often consisted solely of invocations of unnamed nymphs and sky-gods.
Development of the system under early Princes
As Laetitia, Jucundia's center, became a more noteworthy settlement, its system of organized religion became more complex out of necessity. In particular, Sancros, archprelate during the reigns of Marenli I and Marenli II, sketched out the basic structure of the archprelature that was to endure for centuries. In 121 JD, Sancros created two offices subordinate to his own: the Master of Propitiation and the Master of Wisdom. The first master was charged with the duty of overseeing rites directly related to appeasing the divinities, whereas the second was charged with discerning the will of the divinities. Ideally, Wisdom was to inform Propitiation when the divinities need appeasing, and Propitiation would perform the appropriate rite. However, the two offices often were at odds over which rite would appease in the appropriate manner. It was therefore the job of the archprelate to guarantee a harmonious functioning of the system.
From the creation of these first two sub-departments, the archprelature grew intensely in size and scope. For example, when it became clear that certain segments of the Anrav population had adopted folk practices in contrast with authorized rites, Wisdom further subdivided into Wisdom of the Jucundian Folk and Wisdom of the Jucundian Elders. Each division was expected to craft religious rationales appropriate for each segment of the population. Likewise, Propitiation divided into offices concerning greater divinities, lesser divinities, spirits, ancient dead, and so on.
Be that as it may, the archprelature's classical and accepted form - that is, the division into Propitiation and Wisdom and their respective subdivisions - had solidified by the middle of the 3rd century, JD, at which time Archprelate Rikovonos forbade any further subdivisions of the two departments.
Declining importance under middle and late Princes
Although the social status of the archprelature remained preeminent through the history of ancient Jucundia, by the 5th century, JD, the state's role as a trading center reduced the population's need either to propitiate or seek the wisdom of the divinities of ancient pastoralists. While the lower classes of the Anrav remained devoted to their ancient folkways and their canonical rites, the wealthy, who no longer deigned to be called simply Anrav, began to dabble in the importation of foreign cult practices. In particular, Pnokaan Tritheism obtained a strong hold on the minds of the elite.
Final revival and dissolution under Tiger Prince
Yet the state's catastrophic defeats at the hands of Tristia in the first and second of the so-called Jucund Wars led to a final wave of credence in the ancient rites. It was believed by the majority of the population that abandonment of the old ways had led to the their nation's declining fortunes. Although this did little to stem the tide of collapse, religious observations in 8th century, JD, were far more popular than in the previous three. It was in this vein that Ausengo II, commonly known as the Tiger Prince, combined the offices of Prince and Archprelate in his own person, attempting to shore up support for his increasingly failed rule. In reality, this was the final token of the system's dissolution. Following the destruction of Laetitia and the creation of Jucundia Prime, Jucundians - now subjects of the Tristian Empire and bereft of religious guidance from native authorities - reverted in the main to their primitive folkways.
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