
The longest continually inhabited city in all of Drowlto VI, Tristia is the capital of the modern country of Liatia. The history of Tristia is long and varied, being at various times a backwater town, the seat of a vast empire, a provincial capital, and the holy city for one-half the planet's population.


Tristia is located on the northern shores of the Alban Sea, in what is roughly the geographical center of Liatia.


The population of Tristia is 2,467,091 within the city limits, and approximately 5 million within the metropolitan area.


Tristia is currently one of the wealthiest cities in the world, owing largely to Liatia's reputation for laissez-faire economics. However, it should also be noted that Tristia's wealth is not evenly distributed among its population, which thing is the cause of frequent strikes and riots among the city's lower classes.

Legendary History

According to legend, the city of Tristia was founded by two families, the Vilar and the Potni. The legendary date of foundation is said to be 657 ASD, and archaeological records do confirm traces of civilized life from the 7th century ASD onwards.

As the story goes, the Vilar and Potni families - perhaps clans is a better word - first came to the area of Tristia as refugees from the Monis Fall, the ancient name for the destruction (and near genocide) of Monis.

Early History

Capital of a great Empire

Provincial Seat

The Holy City
