Accordian Principalities

The Accordian Principalities are the fragmented lands west and north of Ereba and the Blackacre Forest. Formerly part of Accordia, the region has remained splintered since the end of the Ascendence War, despite frequent unification efforts. Recently, the Ereban Empire annexed or conquered almost two thirds of Accordia, creating the Military District of Western Accordia and the Province of Kasran, Sternholm, and Lesselia.

After a thousand years of being splintered into dozens or hundreds of small territories, Accordian people in general see the world through the lens of that experience. While no one description can capture everyone in the region, there are notable tendencies toward fierce independence, chaotic natures, and siege mentalities. The people of small, poor, and oppressed territories tend more toward viewing the world as threatening or uncaring, and are more likely to seek friendships and alliances; while larger and more powerful territories' people often look down on their neighbors (sometimes with disdain, sometimes treating them as younger siblings or children) and raise their hackles at the presence of authority they don't care for.

With the invasion of the Erebans, most of Accordia is under unified authority for the first time in centuries. Some parts of southern Accordia, which had closer ties to Ereba and Blackacre historically, joined the new empire willingly. The Duchy of Kasran was the most powerful of these, and was joined by the Baronies of Sternholm and Lesselia, as well as more than a dozen smaller principalities. The people of KaStLe (as the new province is sometimes called) are on the whole accepting of imperial rule, but not happy with the loss of sovereignty it has entailed.


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