Sillisti Campaign

The Sillisti Campaign was the series of military actions taken by the nation of Ereba from 978-79 FA in the Sillisti Mountains along its southern border. The campaign's primary goals were to take the mountains, secure the output of the region's mines, build defensive positions along the main passes through the range, and destroy the monstrous humanoid species who had occupied the mountains for centuries.

Ereba's original push through the range met with only scattered resistance, primarily along the Ereban side of the range - once news of the campaign spread, most of the monsters in the range hid rather than face the Legions head-on. Many went deep into cave complexes, even into the Underdark, until the Legions had passed, then came out afterwards to strike at the Ereban's rear. As Ereba devoted greater and greater forces to the campaign - the original deployment of four early legions, or 10,000 men, in 978 was more than tripled by early 979 - the battles became more frequent and more vicious. Ereban adventuring parties ran rampant through the range, attacking targets of opportunity. Several accounts exist of entire villages of Aranthians - primarily humans and dwarves - on the southern side of the range being exterminated by Ereban adventuring parties.

By late summer 979, Ereba's commanders were ready to declare victory. Though the hunting down and killing of the monstrous species of the Sillisti range, now called the Sillisti Purge, would continue on a large scale for another several years, the territory was generally pacified. The success of the Sillisti Campaign helped to bring about a change in Ereba's view of its place in the world, paving the way for future expansion.

