Silent Legion

The Silent Legion, or Glass Guardians are a group of Simulacra which exist to enforce the Phemral Strictures and act as a check on the power of the Empyrium's mages. Each Guardian is identical, standing eight feet tall. Physically, they resemble a heavily armored man, though their armor, which covers them entirely, is seemingly crafted from Divine Glass. It is unknown what lies beneath their exterior but their armor has a deep emerald hue, indicating something dark beneath the translucent green of the Glass. While their faces appear generally as a blank, smooth, curved plate (of the same Divine Glass that comprises the rest of their armor), when active, a cold, pale glow can sometimes be seen there, as if shining up from a great depth.

Originally created at the birth of the Empyrium, over a thousand years ago, the Legion once numbered one thousand Guardians. Losses over the centuries have reduced those numbers to less than 300. Because the secret of their crafting died with the Empyrium's founder, Myrranus their numbers cannot be replenished, causing the Empyrial Seat to be to be much more cautious in their use than they once were.

Beyond their striking appearance, the Guardians' most notable quality is their complete immunity to Phemra. Often attributed to their armor, this immunity goes beyond the known anti-phemral properties of Divine Glass, implying a greater power at work. It is also rumored that the Legion shares a single mind, and this conjecture is certainly supported by the seeming singularity of their purpose and the flawless synchronicity with which they perform their duties. These duties include both guarding the Empyrial Seat from attack or (supposedly) manipulation by the Empyrium's Mages, as well as the hunting down and capture of Renegades, a task in which they are sometimes aided by human Mousers dispatched by the Phemral College.

category:Glass Empire
