Empyrial Seat

The Empyrial Seat is the official title of the Empyrium's chief executive and titular head of state, referring both to the office and the person who holds it at any given time. At the Empyrium's founding, it was intended that the Seat never be held by a Mage, in order to keep the influence of the Phemral College removed from the executive power. In 389 AE, after the Starn Campaigns, the College was able to leverage its important role in securing victory into the creation of the Phemral Council, an ancillary body to the Empyrial Senate, giving mages an indirect, but official source of influence in political matters. Furthermore, no law or Stricture forbids a mage from serving as a Senator, though it is rare for a number of reasons.

category:Glass Empire category:Political Offices category:Empyrial Offices
