Archinath Turgus

Captain Archinath Turgus was a starship captain in the Denolian League's navy from CD 245 until his retirement in CD 269. A decorated captain, and veteran of 5 major fleet campaigns, he is most famous for the eponymous Turgus Maneuver, an revolutionary offensive use of a ship's Phase Manteau whereby a phased ship fired its weapons on an enemy during Temporal Snapback, just as it crossed its own temporal origin (known as "Zero O'Clock" in fleet jargon). In effect, the ship fired its weapons at the during the brief moment when it returned to the same timeframe as its enemy, but became invulnerable to retaliation as it phased past-wards due to snapback. The maneuver changed military perceptions of the phase manteau's usefulness, bringing it from a role as a novel, but situational reconnaissance tool, to the forefront of combat tactics.


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