Squid Gun

Squid Guns are a stylized form of sawed-off, double barrel shotgun used in traditional Oakland Dueling. The guns fire specialized shells loaded with rock-salt instead of shot or slugs. Originally used by the early East Bay settlers to manage the then minor Graftopus problem, they became a popular method for the lower classes to settle duel-worthy disputes in imitation of the more upper class duelists.

While traditionalist/old-money duelists in Oakland shun the squid gun, the City Dueling Commission has continually allowed it's use in official duels due to it's popularity with the public, and the hunger to see people with serious grudges blast away at each other with rock salt-loaded shotguns. Squid gun duels are especially entertaining as any wounds inflected are simultaneously salted, leading to frequent excessive cursing and pain-induced antics. Opponents of their use consider such displays unbecoming.

Attempts At Dueling-Use Ban

Several attempts have been made by dueling traditionalists to officially ban the use of squid guns in dueling. While amendments to the Oakland Dueling Code banning their use were proposed to the City Dueling Commission (and eventually rejected) in both 1919 and 1937, the biggest attack on squid guns came in 1968 when a coalition opposed to squid guns began lobbying for a direct change in the city charter. A fierce political battle played out during the summer of 1968, leading up to that year's municipal elections.

Squid gun partisans staged many protests, sporting placards with the slogans such as '"ADD IN-SALT TO INJURY!"' and '"Justice SHOULD Sting"'.

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