
Somnabulus is an ancient god of sleep and dreaming who's genesis has been lost to the beginning of time. He is responsible mostly for the delivery of all kinds of dreams. Often depicted having long trailing robes, a rag blindfold, and a staff of gnarled oak (Somnia's Dream) with a sundial atop it as a badge of office, he was known to make personal appearances in the dreams of new lovers and those about to die. A quasi-religious cult known as Somnabulists worshiped and venerated him. Somnambulists believed that appeasing their god would protect them from the debilitating fears of nightmares and worse, from becoming the prey of the Foshtel, the Dream Wolves said to hunt unsuspecting sleepers in their dreams.

Political difficulties developed with the Somnabulists when a counter agency began to accrue followers, The Awakened or Children of the Day, believed that sleep was wasted time and their hopes were to achieve a state of constant wakefulness. These clashing ideologies soon led to a long and bloody war of attrition that has resulted in the erasure of both peoples from most of recorded history.
