
The Foshtel, known colloquially as the Dream Wolves are malevolent beings believed to hunt unwary sleepers in their dreams. The Somnambulists, ancient followers of the dream-god Somnabulus performed certain rituals and offerings to their god in hopes of warding their dreams against these hunters. It was believed that those caught by the Foshtel in their dreams would never awaken, their spirit trapped forever in the Miasma (also known as the Dream Mists, a portion of the dream realm where sleepers become lost) while their physical body would never awaken, eventually dying.

The Foshtel are said to take the form of hulking dire-wolves, twice the size of a man, although the few dreamers that have awoken to tell of them say that it is nearly impossible to discern their exact form because looking directly at them causes their shape to "slide". The one thing all survivors agree on is the eyes, the only part of the Foshtel that stays constant - burning with a cold green fire that brings a mindless and absolute terror.
