Sherman Ranch Park

Sherman Ranch Park is a municipal park in the Oakland Hills on the site of the former Sherman Family monitor lizard ranch. Most of the former Sherman Ranch land was sold to developers during the middle of the twentieth century. Sherman Ranch Park is located at the northernmost end of the former Sherman Ranch and includes the land the ranch house stood on until it was destroyed by fire during the lizard rampage following the 1906 earthquake.

It was on this land that generations of Henrietta Sherman's family bred not only docile lizards for the leather-working trades, but the large, aggressive ones that fought in the animal fighting pits beneath St. Orlas Hall.

Rumors that there are still monitor lizards roaming the vicinity of the park are generally discounted given the presence of a local colony of slash-ferals whose ancestors were bred to fight monitor lizards. Signs of conflict between the two species is thought woudl be evident if it were going on.

Category: Mystical Oakland
