
Shens is a country north of Pfwillic and northeast of Menza on the continent of Ias on the planet of Drowlto VI. The boundary between Shens and Pfwillic is the legendary and near-mystical Line of Arastor. Shens has a long history, as one of the major regions in the ancient Sushenic Empire.


Shens comprises 840,000 square miles on the northeastern side of Ias . Shens is essentially a giant, low-lying peninsula, the southeastern side of which borders the Orange Ocean, the northwestern side of which borders the Bay of Menza. Its southern border - the aforesaid Line of Arastor - bisects the Sushens Plateau between Pfwillic and Shens, and the boundary zone is the only appreciable highlands in the country.


The population of Shens as of the most recent census (2000 SD) was 13,595,736, evenly distributed throughout the nation's coastal cities and plains.

Ethnic Groups

The ethnicity of Shens is predominantly Sushenic, descendants from the ancient empire, although there is a Rab'ka/Menzan minority in the southwest of the country. Census figures state that 85% is Sushenic in origin, 10% is of Rab'ka or Menzan ancestry, and 5% of the population are of mixed ethnicity.


There is one official language in the Shens: Demiotic Sushenic. As the name suggests, Demiotic Sushenic is the successor language to that of the Sushenic Empire, with slight changes in vocabulary and morphology owing to the passage of time and Rab'ka influence. 90% of the country speaks Demiotic Sushenic as a first language tongue, whereas 10% speak Sheni-Sakuli, the modern derivation of the Rab'ka tongue in the northeastern portion of Ias.


The country's religious make-up is uniformly Duhamic, specifically adherents of "Eastite Duham."


With Pfwillic, Shens and the Sushenic people represent the longest continual period of civilization in Ias.


Many of the post-Manuc tribes of central Pfwillic relocated north to the foothills of the Sushens Plateau, and although most returned south to form the city states of central Pfwillic, some remained to found the nascent Sushenic states.

Sushenic Empire

The Sushenic Empire expanded away from the Sushens Plateau starting around 1090 ASD, and by 700 ASD controlled the northern half of modern Pfwillic as well as all of modern Shens. The empire - headquartered in Sushens - ruled the eastern half of the continent until the creation of the Line of Arastor in 277 ASD.

The Splintering

Sushens Apart

The Rab'ka Invasions

The Battle of the Heights

The Tip of the Sword

On account of its favorable geographic position, Sushens - or Shens as it was known by the Rab'ka - was the so-called "Tip of the Sword" in the attempts of the Rab'ka to gain territory in Aremi.

The Snadaq

Tensions between the two sects of Duham reached a fever pitch, severing the eastern half of Ias from the western half. Although originally the word snadaq meant "civil strife" in the Rab'ka tongue, most modern speakers now use the word to mean "separation," often referring specifically to the division of the continent into two rival powers and then subsequent warring states.

Shens Restored


Category:Drowlto VI Category:Pages what need some working on


Someone run with this.

Working on it. --Tacitean 11:05, 22 June 2010 (EDT)

Still in progress, but we've got a lot of information up now. When it's time for a flag, I think the banner should be more reminiscent of Pfwillic than the various Rab'ka banners of the western countries. --Tacitean 13:35, 22 June 2010 (EDT)

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