
Manservo was the name given to the first ever robot butler, created in 20xx by Rory Soo Yee, an engineer in the then unprofitable Robotics division of the Axon Gemini Blue Corporation (AGB). Manservo's first successfully performed task was serving drinks at the 20xx office holiday party. His second successfully performed task was keeping his voice circuit shut about what he saw in the office supply closet at 3:14 AM that night.

The Manservo prototype was seized on by AGB's new director of marketing Tilman Kaiser as the a chance to revitalize the company's moribund Robotics division. Initially available as a limited run in Japan, South Korea, the United States and Croagland, an updated model of Manservo was soon made available in retail chains around the world.

Initial Development

Design and Capabilities

Commercial Success

Safety Concerns

Published under the terms of the CC BY 3.0 license.
