Jilpone Plant

The Jilpone Plant, in origin a plant that evolved to survive in the Lakasha Badlands, is at present a widely-cultivated crop throughout the continent of Ias.


Broadly speaking, the Jilpone Plant is akin to a nightshade, producing a small, round, yet lush fruit with a low-to-middle rating on the Bambino Scale. Accordingly, it produces a hotter, spicier fruit in arid lands (such as the Badlands) and a cooler, milder fruit in areas such as Menza. Attempts to cultivate the plant outside of Ias has met with some difficulty.

Jilpone and the Rab'ka

The Jilpone was essentially the staple of Rab'ka cooking prior to the creation of their empire, and its status as the "national crop" of the lords of the empire led to its use in cuisine throughout Ias. It also became a highly sought-after crop in the areas of Aremi and Munao that had been influenced by the Rab'ka, and eventually became an "exotic" ingredient in dishes throughout Drowlto VI.

Regional Cuisine

In the western half of Ias, that is, the areas most closely associated with the Rab'ka, the Jilpone fruit is used mainly to spice up breads (see: the Loaf of Ael'kisa) and add heat to meat dishes. In the eastern half, the milder varieties of the plant are used in sauces and soups.
