Blutiger Magenwundwald


Blutiger Magenwundwald ("Bloody Stomach Wound Forest") is the name of a former densely wooded, sparsely populated county in Eastern Bavaria. It's name comes from the fact that due to it's strategic position, it was the "Stomach of Bavaria" that was repeatedly stabbed over and over again by generations of armies heading on to somewhere else.

Also, the ferocious wild animals that roamed the forests were known for disemboweling hunters alive.

The reigning counts (orWaldgrafen) were the Gebirgssäufer family, of which Heinrich Graf was the last. The family castle (and one of the only buildings to remain standing for any amount of time in Blutiger Magenwundwald) is Erstochen im Darmschloß ("Stabbed in the Gut Castle"). As there were few peasants who survived out in the county, the main source of income for the waldgrafen was the hunting, killing, and selling the parts of the exotic game animals of the forest.

Category: Mystical Oakland

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