Bavarian Carnivorous Fog

Bavarian Carnivorous Fog is a little understood phenomenon common to parts of Germany and more recently, Oakland, CA. It manifests a dense fog which appears in lightly wooded areas, especially those surrounding airports. Its name derives from the fact that in the wake of the fog, large numbers of animal skeletons are often discovered in the area. The remains are almost never of animals larger than small rodents, and include things as small as insects. Plant life seems unaffected.

Despite its ominous appellation, Carnivorous Fog actually poses more of a danger to Humans on account of its sudden manifestation, visibility impairing properties, and penchant for airports and roundabouts. When asked about it, Karl Jungstadt head of the German Aviation Union has stated "Bavarian Carnivorous Fog? Nasty stuff that."

Bavarian Carnivorous Fog at Oakland Airport

See Also: The Oakland Airport Fog

Oakland International Airport and it's immediate vicinity in Oakland, CA has seen activity that some have interpreted as Bavarian Carnivorous Fog. Small animal skeletons, including slash-ferals, razorgeese, and various normal birds and rodents have convinced many that it is an authentic "German Fog". It should be noted that in Germany, bavarian carnivorous fog rarely affects animals that large. Many consider the Oakland fog's taking of larger animals to be an effect of the OMN.

Category: Mystical Oakland

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