
First, let’s thank you for even considering clicking over to this page. Even if you only tell other people about the project, you have our thanks.

Financial Contributions

No time to spare but some cash burning a hole in your pocket? We’ll use it to keep the lights on, here, and commission more work for the project.

You can toss some well-appreciated coins at the project through Buy Me a Coffee or LiberaPay


For any contributions more sophisticated than money, please understand that you’ll need to agree to two major conditions.

If either condition doesn't fit with how you would prefer to operate, then the project probably won’t suit you, though you can always use its results under the terms of the aforementioned license.

One-Off Artistic Contributions

The Light’s Edge (ideally) spans as many artistic mediums as possible, from prose to toys, and more. If you have the skill and interest, please consider introducing yourself at the project’s Artist RFQ survey so that we can keep you in mind and reach out to you for help.

That sounds absurdly impersonal, but it ensures that the project has a record of your interest and what you do, so that nobody forgets about you. The alternative looks suspiciously like somebody frantically asking didn’t somebody mention enjoying animating things? (or other form of art) while digging through social media history.

Ongoing or Integral Contributions

The Light’s Edge uses Codeberg to manage contributions, including suggestions (or “issues”) and direct alterations to the story. You'll need an account over there, which might sound like effort, but they don't ask for much and have good documentation on making sense of the site to read and follow.

You’ll particularly want go become familiar with issues, and maybe start looking over an introductory git tutorial written for non-programmers, so that you have some confidence to make changes without worrying that you might “break” something.

More detail to come, such as where to find this alleged repository, when the story actually launches…

Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 License

Visit The Light’s Edge.