jump mobbing
Jump Mobbing was a popular pastime for world-skipping wormhole travelers in the 2010's and 2020's. Self-appointed "Jump Mob Ringleaders" would post anonymous meeting points on the internet, and hordes of people would "jump to it", converging on the one point by the thousands using the Worldwide Wormhole Complex. The practice started small, but quickly grew to include thousands of regular jumpers. The trend began to taper off by 2024, and was all but stopped by the imposition of the Wormhole Documentation Control Order of 2036.
The first "Jump Mob" is rumored to have been held by a group of residents of the International House at Harvard University on 12 August, 2016. Being a group of 500 students from all corners of the globe, they were able to use the newly-discovered Worldwide Wormhole Complex to all attend a party in the basement of their dormitory. Once they'd all "jumped in" and had a few drinks, they decided it would be great to overrun the Taj Mahal. Their follow-up parties all through that year involved "jumping in" and overrunning a famous landmark, in a bid to top the Taj Mahal event.
Famous Jump Mobs
The largest jump mob ever held was "The Giant Day Out", which was convened on a plain near Khangai Nuruu, Mongolia. Over 10 million people converged On June 8, 9, and 10 2022, doubling Mongolia's population for the weekend. Due to wormhole capacity constraints, most attendees spent the entire time waiting for a turn to leave, while more people were arriving. The event is considered an unmitigated disaster, since, due to a total lack of planning, no arrangements were made for food, water, or shelter. It is believed that the GDO was a major factor in the decline of Jump Mobbing.
The "Sink Venice" jump mob of 2019 is perhaps the most famous jump mob, as it succeeded in its goal. Conceived over online chat between a German anarchist, 2 Chinese teenagers, and a really drunk Berkeley Ph.d student, "Sink Venice" mobilized nearly 800,000 people around the globe to converge on Venice at the same time and have a huge party while the city slipped into the lagoon. After 12 hours of arriving, the city began to sink at street level, with people pushing up the stairs of the mighty palazzos to continue the party. Within 36 hours, only several roofs remained, and the ancient city had been destroyed.
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