About the Project

"ZRPG" is a working title only, and it has nothing at all to do with existing projects called "ZRPG", such as zombie roleplaying games, or Legend of Zelda. The ZRPG project is going to become a very fast, simple, and engaging text-based role-playing game similar to a modern-day version of Zork. The premise is that it will become a mobile app that runs on smartphones, ebook readers, etc as well as on PCs, with game data saved to the cloud, for full portability. You'll be able to start your game at home on the PC, continue it on your smartphone on the way to work, then play it surreptitiously at work on your ebook reader, all the while building the same character across all those devices.


This project is being organized by Augur and his friend (the programmer). We welcome other input to the project. We have a basic idea of where we want to go with this, so please understand if we revert particular edits. We'll try to fully document the reasons for such reverts in the Edit Summary. Sometimes we may be mysterious about such things though, to avoid giving away too many spoilers before the final game is released.

Designer Augur is a strong proponent of the open-source ethos, but his programmer friend is principally a closed-source person. We haven't had any formal discussions ourselves yet about what form this project may eventually take. We're still busy playing around with the concept itself. Therefore, if you do decide to contribute to this project, please understand that your contributions may eventually end up in a closed-source licensed application. All contributors will be acknowledged in the final product, but should this become a commercial product, contribution does not entitle contributors to any form of recompense or any share of profits.

Latest ZRPG News from Augur


The content being collated here on the Fictopedia wiki for the ZRPG is divided into the following classifications.

Farm-Fresh_group.png People

Farm-Fresh_map.png Places

Farm-Fresh_money_bag.png Items

Farm-Fresh_calendar.png Events

Farm-Fresh_balance.png Misc


Some content created here on the Fictopedia wiki for the ZRPG is not going to be included in the game at all. Much of it is only for the purpose of gathering the information together, or to-do lists, etc.


This category contains all the templates that have been created for the ZRPG. These templates help to standardize the information that is gathered about the content.


Published under the terms of the CC BY 3.0 license.
