T.F.V. Glass Onion

The T.F.V. Glass Onion was a renowned Trans-Fictional Vessel, famous for being the first such vessel to successfully return from a fictional world. It was the third Trans-Fictional Vessel constructed, but due to minor construction errors, it was the fourth launched.

Design, Construction, and Launch

Maiden Voyage

The Glass Onion's maiden voyage set sail July 14, 2301. It was to be a short, two week shakedown cruise into the works of Lewis Carroll. It returned three months later, October 16, 2301. The crew and the Onion's chronometers recounted only fifteen days had elapsed for them. The crew were mostly unharmed. However, there were several instances of madness or hysteria among the crew, who never recovered. These afflictions were never traced to a source (aside from the Trans-Fictional process itself), and seemed to beset the crew randomly.

Later Voyages

The Glass Onion later made many successful Trans-Fictional journeys. Of note are the 2305 voyage to Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and 2308's to H.A. Rey's Curious George.

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