
Ramsfild is a town of some 9,000 inhabitants located roughly 80 miles up the Golden River from Fiora, in the Province of Eastern Ereba. The town is one of several which essentially serve as secondary docks for the city, where goods are loaded onto barges to go upstream or offloaded to travel by road into Fiora. Because of the difficulties traveling across the wetlands west of Fiora by road, most merchants dealing in large or heavy cargoes will use the larger city's docks, while those with smaller and usually more valuable goods will make the trip to bypass the long delays which plague the great port.

Since the founding of the Ereban Empire, Ramsfild's fortunes, along with those of several other similar towns, have increased due to the increase in trade volume heading for Fiora - more merchants are willing to deal with an overland trip for part of their journey than the headache of finding a dock farther downriver, so a great deal more money is flowing into the town.

