Othello in Hell

Starring Sjef G. Rasmussen, Othello in Hell imagined the reunion of Othello and Iago in Hades, to which place both had been sent for their crimes. A critical and box-office flop, the film retains a loyal cult following.


The movie begins shortly after Iago's execution at the hands of the Venetian state. He awakes in what is described as the 5th Level of Hell (the viewer is never told for what reason the 5th Level was chosen for Iago). After verifying his surroundings, Iago - in classic fashion - plots to escape Hell through treachery. The scene then abruptly changes to Othello's perspective, as Othello (Rasmussen) has just awoken to find himself in the 4th Level (again with no reason given). Through a series of happenings, Othello and Iago come face-to-face in the 4th Level. From this point, the movie is equal parts philosophy treatise and action movie.

Box Office

Released to a total of 126 theaters at its largest distribution, Othello in Hell failed to crack the $1 million mark.


Reviews for the movie were overwhelmingly negative, with most reviewers singling out Rasmussen for particular opprobrium.

Video Game Tie-in

Even less successful than the movie was the video game. Players - controlling either Iago or Othello - had to unite with the other character in a desperate bid to escape Hell.
