
Geoillogic is a progressive wave metal album released in 2004 by Lithuanian band Continental Grift. It outlines the history of the world from its creation from nothingness, through the beginnings of life, up to and including the present age.

Geoillogic is Continental Grift's first studio release. The linear storytelling aspect of the album--with accompanying narration performed by backup vocalist Butkienė Gehennaheim--lends itself to complete listen-throughs, and in fact the band fought against splitting it into individual tracks. In 2006, a fan filed a lawsuit against Continental Grift frontman Kalvis Molnietius who claims Kalvis "spit in [his] mouth and eyes" upon learning that the fan listened to release single "Paingaea" without finishing the rest of the album. The claim was settled out of court.


The Void and the Creation of the World

The album's opening track "The Abyssal Void (Open Your Damn Eyes)" begins with a haunting voiceover by bandmember Butkienė Gehennaheim:

Now I am."

There is some controversy over whether the line "Now I am" is some sort of Mother-God willing herself into being, or if she had already existed and she is comparing herself to the void. In any case, it is generally agreed upon that some female god came into being at some point and created the cosmos with the flick of her divine wrist ("Stars and planets / Moons and... skies / I flick my divine wrist to create you").

"Bloated Ball of Dust and God Feces" focuses on the Earth's creation. Earth is not created by the goddess directly, but rather congeals over the course of many millions of years from bits of dust and god feces, as the title suggests.

Life's Brutal Beginnings

"Primordial Cooz (Your Mother)" likens the primordial ooze that spawned the first primitive life to your mother. It is unclear whether the mother in the song references the goddess mentioned previously or your literal mother. The song is comprised mostly of jarring riffs and accusatory screaming. It ends discordantly on the line, "and then there were dinosaurs."

Epochal Upheavals

By far the longest section of Geoillogic, all the tracks from "Monsterzoic Era" and on focus on the various geological ages and/or specific geological features of the planet. "Magnetic Dipole Troll", for example, is a dirge commemorating the contributions of a single troll who periodically reverses the direction of the Earth's magnetic field, and who, sadly, died approximately 6000 years ago.

"Paingaea" is a ballad tribute to mountains, despite its title.

The album finishes on a high note with "Hate Tectonics", in which the planet's shifting plates are finally halted thanks to humanity's overwhelming technological prowess. The track could be described as an uplifting anthem, and is the only Continental Grift song written in a major key. Earthquakes and volcanoes become a thing of the past, and humanity enters a golden age that lasts thousands of years. Unfortunately, the band later discovered that if the tectonic plates were actually stopped, pressure would well up inside the mantle and quickly tear the world apart.


The album's ninth track, "Terrordactyl, Servant of the Stone Lords", is not affiliated with Kalvis Molnietius' side-project Pterrordactyl. In fact, when asked of the connection between the Geoillogic track and Pterrordactyl in a 2009 interview, Kalvis disavowed any knowledge of "Terrordactyl, Servant of the Stone Lords" despite having sung it 15 minutes earlier during the encore of a live performance.

Track listing

  1. "The Abyssal Void (Open Your Damn Eyes)"
  2. "Bloated Ball of Dust and God Feces"
  3. "Primordial Cooz (Your Mother)"
  4. "Monsterzoic Era"
  5. "Magnetic Dipole Troll"
  6. "Stalagmitebashyourfacein"
  7. "Paingaea"
  8. "Statigraphocalypse"
  9. "Terrordactyl, Servant of the Stone Lords"
  10. "Hate Tectonics"

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