Contributor Competition

Welcome to Fictopedia's first Contributor Competition. Members of the Fictopedia community compete to write the coolest article on a given subject and the winner gets his or her article featured on the Main Page and has it supplemented with an original custom piece of artwork by longtime contributor and artist Ethan Gould (here's his personal website).

The competition has begun and the final deadline for submissions is still TBD.

The Challenge

Write the most interesting article you can describing a fictional city.

Any genre is fine, so it could be anything from a fantasy fortress to an alien space colony, or perhaps an alternate history version of a real city. Or something even razier, its up to you. Just make sure to describe the sorts of things you'd want to know about a real city: where it is, its history, its culture, interesting landmarks (see below), etc.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Entire cities take a long time to draw, so on request of our very generous artist Ethan (who is donating his considerably talents as the prize) your article must include at least one section that describes a big and highly visible landmark in the city. The prize illustration will be of this landmark, so keep that in mind. No other restrictions; fictional city with big landmark. Got it? Start creating!

Competition Rules/Instructions

Here's what you need to know:

  1. There is no limit on the number of submissions by a given user. Why? Because the goal here is to encourage people to create as many cool articles as possible. Even if you don't win, your article will stay in Fictopedia and will be linked on the competition results page. And anyway, only the best article will get the prize, if it takes you 5 submissions to win, then so be it!
  2. Articles can be as long as you want, and while there is no official minimum, you probably want to write a least a page or two worth of content so that there is room for detail (and for a section on the landmark - see above)


  1. Please do not edit other people's submissions until after the winner has been announced. Normally we strongly encourage everyone to edit and expand other people's articles, but for purposes of the competition, we want each user's submission(s) to be his or her own. At least until the competition is over, then its open season!
  2. If you wish to write more than one article about your city, that is allowed, so long as all the articles relate back to (and are linked from) the main article. Alternatively you can describe everything you want in one article and break it off into separate links after the competition.
  3. You don't have to write it all at once. Your entry will only be judged based on its content as of the competition deadline. So don't be afraid to write a paragraph today, a few next tuesday, etc until you like what you have.
  4. All current submissions can be viewed on the Competition Submissions page
  5. Have fun!

Judging Process

After the December 1 deadline, all submissions will be read over and ranked according to a secret and arcane process to determine the winner. The judges will include yours truly (webmaster/Syntaxbad) and 4 other long time Fictopedia contributors who will be announced in the coming weeks.

While the winning article will be listed on the Main Page as the Featured Article and will be supplemented by an illustration, the second and third place winners will also be mentioned and every article submitted will be listed and credited on a results page after the judging is finished.

Finally, if you have any additional questions about the competition or anything else, please email me.

Category:Fictopedia Competition 1

Published under the terms of the CC BY 3.0 license.
